電燈泡 third wheel

(Photo by Burak Kebapci from Pexels)


相似詞 extra / unimportant



而中文裡所謂的電燈泡,在英文則是用「第三輪」表示。因為腳踏車有前後二輪,所以就用多出來的一輪來代表男女約會時干擾,或者多餘的一方。由於日後車輛的普級,現在也會聽到fifth wheel(第五輪),但是第三輪還是更普遍的說法。

不同的是,「電燈泡」適用在男女約會的場合。但是third wheel則可泛指多出來,一邊涼快沒他的事的那一方,不一定涉及男女情感。Third wheel跟「電燈泡」一樣,都是比較通俗的講法,在正式場合出鏡機率不大。

真正的電燈泡除了照明之外,還可以引申為下列用法:The light bulb goes on in my head. 腦袋裡燈泡亮了,就是指我突然有個好點子,靈光一現。


Susan和 Zach後來竟然跑去買結婚對戒,我覺得我真是超級大燈泡。
Susan and Zach ended up shopping for wedding rings, I felt like the biggest third wheel!

Analyzing all the top restaurants in Taipei turned John from being a third wheel into the center of the conversation.

Our British manager must feel like a third wheel listening to his two coworkers chat in Russian.