競技場 stadium

(Photo by riciardus from Pexels)


相似字 arena
搭配詞 形容詞 + stadium, fill/pack into the stadium, at a/the stadium


世界上第一座奧林匹克體育場(Olympic Stadium)位於雅典,建於西元前三百餘年,此後直至1896年才舉辦第一屆奧林匹克運動會。而綜觀歷屆的奧林匹克運動場,其中不少成為國家代表性建築;以北京「鳥巢」為例,獨特的建築概念,可讓觀眾在體育館內(at the stadium),感受良好的採光,且不受雨淋。2008年北京奧運會開幕式,便有多達九萬一千名觀眾湧入館中 (fill the stadium)共襄盛舉。


Many singers hope to perform at the Beijing Olympic Stadium some day.

Thousands packed into the Taipei Stadium to watch Jolin Tsai’s century concert.

The concert of The Three Tenors was held at the Roman Stadium.