嚮往、傾心 long for

(Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels)


相似詞 yearn for / desire / crave for


在所有和「想望」、「渴望」有關的諸多字彙中,long for 是最具精神面的字,所想望的人或事,都有時間和空間上的難度,有「可望而不可及」的味道,所以和中文的「嚮往」最接近。譬如你對夢中偶像,維持long for 的關係,是很好的,若有yearn for、crave for的感覺,那表示你真的想接近他,擁有他,有種肉慾的渴望,那就會出麻煩了。社會新聞中出現的所謂stalker(跟踪者),都是跨越了long for的界限,而進入yearn for / crave for / hunger for較激烈的階段,以至不由自主百般跟蹤。

long for 的對象,包括心靈伴侶、偶像、王子公主、再續前緣、空中樓閣式的壯舉等。如果你愛上鄰家女孩,I long for her touch.表示你還在暗戀階段,I yearn for her touch表示你想化暗戀為行動了。另外如果long for的對象已屬過去式,如某段甜蜜過往,那就是懷念了,如例2。


Wouldn’t you long for a life where all you need to do is play guitar and sing in order to get paid?

By looking at her eyes, one can easily see that her longing for her long lost love has not faded away after all these years.

I’ll stop seeing him if I have to, but nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop me from longing for him.