相似詞 deserves it
搭配詞 unpleasant events
熟悉電影或者音樂劇的朋友們,可能記得十年前一部名為Chicago(芝加哥)的音樂劇(musical)。電影版中,有一幕由凱薩琳麗塔瓊斯主唱,一群女犯人在紅黑監獄背景前所唱的曲子:《Cell Block Tango》,讓人印象深刻。這首歌的副歌歌詞是:「He had it coming, he had it coming, he only had himself to blame.」如果直接翻成中文,她們在唱的是:「他真是活該,他真是活該,他要怪只能怪自己。」
一般人熟悉的「(somebody) deserve(s) it」,是很中性的說法,可用在好事或是壞事上。「Everyone felt he deserves the gold medal.」大家都覺得他應該得金牌,跟 「Everyone felt he deserves the last place.」大家都覺得他活該最後一名,出現的機率一樣。而「had it coming」,就直指「咎由自取的壞事」。
它的用法簡單,主詞無論是男是女,你們我們他們,都是用「had it coming」,而非 「have」、「has it coming」。要注意的是,「had it coming」這句片語跟:「have another thing coming(別做夢了)」,雖然怎麼看都有點像,但是意思完全不一樣。
I feel sorry that he got fired. But he surely had it coming with all those unexcused absences.
The boy that often bullies other students was kicked out of school. He really had it coming.
The jury felt the guy had it coming, so they didn’t convict her of attacking him.