動詞 / 名詞 (選舉用語)
相似詞 solicit votes, campaign door to door
搭配詞 campaign, election, grassroots, precinct, candidate
助選、拜票、掃街的目的都是接觸草根大眾、爭取一票,可用「canvass」一字概括之。「canvasser(助選員)」可能是志願性質,也可能有鐘點費可領。他們的工作包括動員鄰里、分派資料、打電話、找捐款,最重要的則是「掃街」這樣的腿工,如到公共場合或鄰里挨家挨戶傳達選舉訊息,敦促投票等。掃街類似美國的「precinct walking」,就是在選舉前兩、三天,到選區挨家挨戶拜訪等。
Here is the job description of canvassers for the next election: initiating contact with the public, walking through neighborhoods, and going door-to-door to solicit votes. Are you interested?
The candidate has spent the whole day canvassing in the famous temple.
While precinct walking in the opponent’s area, watch out for any shady figures.