口罩援助、醫療合作 6個單字讓世界看見台灣

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


不論是政府或民眾都在向國際正面行銷台灣,傳達「台灣可以提供援助」的訊息, 掀起網路「#taiwancanhelp」的熱潮。今天就讓我們來學習相關的多益單字吧!

Donate 捐贈/Reciprocate 互換

口罩是現在最重要的資源,口罩的英文,標準說法是face mask。若單說mask可能會誤解為面具;而facial mask雖然也可以用,但許多英語使用者會優先認為是「面膜」。故請以face mask或medical mask(醫療用口罩)為首選,搭配動詞wear。

It’s imperative to wear face masks in public areas due to government regulations.


Taiwan has donated a substantial amount of masks and money to many countries in this time of need.


Many countries promise to reciprocate after receiving supports from allies.

Dispatch 派遣

Over the past decade, the Taiwanese government has dispatched more than 151 medical teams to 24 countries around the world to help treat patients and provide professional training to local medical staff.

dispatch 在此為動詞,其字首「dis-」有apart、away「分開;分離」的意思,此動詞可用在人身上,dispatch someone to a place 就是把人派遣至某地,也可用來描述訊息、信件或包裹的發送。

Free gifts will be dispatched one week after the event.

Combat 對抗

Taiwan runs more than 50 programs in over 20 countries to combat major diseases such as AIDS, malaria, Ebola, and dengue fever.

combat 為及物動詞,其字首「com-」有together「一起」的意思,bat的拉丁字根則有to beat、fight之意,其同義字為fight或是battle against。

Expand 拓展

Since 2002, Taiwan has helped to expand global medical capacity by hosting over 1,600 medical personnel from 68 countries hoping to further their professional training.
( 自2002年起,台灣接受了來自68國、超過1600位的醫護人員來台受訓,藉此協助拓展世界的醫療能力。)


另一多益常考單字extend與expand同為「擴展」,但expand指的是全面性的擴展,如數量、體積、程度、範圍等,而extend 指的則是線性的擴展,如時間、距離、長度等。

Please register in advance if you would like to extend your payment due date.

Access 進入


若想表達「進入、獲取」WHO 資源的途徑,英文可以用access to。

Companies will be granted access to interest-free loans starting from next-month.


Taiwan has been denied access to joining the WHO.

WHO世界衛生組織是專有名詞,全名為the World Health Organization,使用時前面要記得加上定冠詞the才正確。



1. Most airports provide access ______ free Internet.
(A) in
(B) at
(C) to
(D) from

2. The technical staff in our Seattle office has been ______ to New York to detect and solve the issues.
(A) dispatch
(B) dispatches
(C) dispatched
(D) dispatching

1. 正解為(C)。題意為「大多數機場都提供免費網路。」access應搭配介詞to,故應選(C)。

2. 正解為(C)。題意為「我們西雅圖辦公室的技術人員,已被派至紐約調查和解決問題。」由於此句為現在完成式,且人員是被派至紐約的,應選擇過去分詞型態表被動式,故(C)為正解。

文/李海碩、羅伊伶 Janet Lo

《 English OK 中學英閱誌 》第21期
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