多益普及測驗(TOEIC Bridge)的溝通情境包括活動、外出用餐、娛樂、家庭與朋友、一般商務、健康、住宅、辦公室、新聞、學校、購物、旅行,總共包括12 大分類,其中又可細分多達71 個子分類,涵蓋生活中各種常見溝通情景。本次要介紹的是新聞當中的氣象預報,掌握天氣,出門才不怕日曬雨淋。
weather 天氣 (n.)
forecast 預告 (n.)
cloudy 多雲的 (adj.)
clear up 放晴 (v.)
breezy 微風的 (adj.)
nearby 附近的 (adj.)
typhoon 颱風 (n.)
rainy 下雨的 (adj.)
stormy 暴風的 (adj.)
sunny 晴朗的 (adj.)
clear 無雲的 (adj.)
sandstorm 沙塵暴 (n.)
researcher 研究員 (n.)
send out 送出、寄出 (v.)
warning 警告 (n.)
encourage 鼓勵、建議 (v.)
citizen 公民 (n.)
foreign 國外的 (adj.)
看懂文章 先記情境單字
熟記情境單字後,接下來請試著完成兩篇與氣象預報有關的閱讀測驗題目。TOEIC Bridge的閱讀測驗時間只有35分鐘,所以希望同學可以嘗試在五分鐘之內完成作答,之後若有對答案不確定的地方,請記得看題目後的解說影片收聽詳解唷!
Questions 1-3 refer to the following report:
Let’s look at the weather forecast for the next week in Beijing. From Monday to Wednesday, the city will be having cloudy weather with a small chance of rain. By Thursday, the skies will clear up and it’ll be clear and breezy until Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon and evening, the winds will be stronger because of a nearby typhoon until Monday morning.
1. Which city is the weather forecast for?
(A)Beijing City
(B)Shanghai City
(C)Tianjin City
(D)Taipei City
2. What will the weather be like on Friday morning?
(A) Clear and a little windy.
(B) Cloudy and rainy.
(C) Windy and stormy.
(D) Clear and sunny.
3. Why will the weather be windy on Saturday afternoon?
(A) Because a typhoon is close to the area.
(B) Because a sandstorm is coming.
(C) Because the city is near the beach.
(D) Because a rain storm is coming.
Questions 4-6 refer to the following newspaper report:
Typhoon warning
Weather researchers have sent out a warning for people living in Shanghai and are saying that a large and dangerous Typhoon is coming towards the city. They encourage citizens to stay inside if the wind gets strong. The typhoon is coming from Taiwan towards China and will hit next Tuesday.
4. What warning was given for Shanghai people?
(A) Not to buy foreign products.
(B) Not to go out next Monday.
(C) A typhoon is coming.
(D) Not to eat stinky tofu.
5. What is the meaning of the word “citizens“?
(A) People who live in a country or city.
(B) People who live on a farm.
(C) City workers.
(D) Leader in a country town.
6. When should people stay at home?
(A) In strong windy weather.
(B) On Monday afternoon.
(C) During the weekend.
(D) On Sunday morning.
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