【多益普及情境】房屋居住篇 停電了怎麼辦?這些單字一定要先懂

不管是多益英語測驗(TOEIC)還是多益普及測驗(TOEIC Bridge),房屋居住相關情境的出現都非常頻繁。在TOEIC Bridge中,主要會出現的Housing場景有公寓(Apartment)、房屋(Houses)、農場(Farms)、買賣與租賃(Buying and Renting)以及修繕(Repair)共五個。在這次的練習場景中,除了農場之外,剩下的四個場景在這期中全數都包含了。

Photo: Vicki, CC Licensed

在面對不同的場景時,最佳的學習法就是針對主題進行學習。其中一個簡單的方法就是直接打開Google,把關鍵字輸進去,就一定會出現相關主題的文章、公告或圖片,而內容裡的單字就是相關主題需要理解的詞彙。不管是TOEIC或是TOEIC Bridge,請記得,詞彙就是最關鍵、也最基礎的核心能力。

在這次的詞彙整理中,特別加上了paraphrase(換句話說)的元素。在TOEIC與TOEIC Bridge的題目中,較進階的題型通常會置入不同paraphrase的元素。例如agenda與schedule、motor與engine等, 透過近似字的轉換呈現,來確認學習者是否對於訊息透徹了解。

透過音檔 閱讀聽力齊頭並進



Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following notice:

Neverland Apartments:
All residents of building 5
From the 5pm on the 17th of August to 6am on the 18th of August, there will be no power in this building. This is because electricity will be fixed during this time. The water will not be running very well during this time, so it is suggested that all people take showers and do their cleaning, etc. before 5pm on that day.
Sorry for the trouble this may have caused you.

1. How long will there be no power for?
(A) Two days
(B) 24 hours
(C) Around 12 hours
(D) 36 hours

2. What is suggested the people should do before 5 pm on the 17th ?
(A) Use water to clean and take showers.
(B) Use power.
(C) Do more cooking.
(D) Don’t leave the building.

3. What is the reason the power will be out?
(A) The city is having problems with electricity.
(B) The electricity is being repaired.
(C) They are having a typhoon.
(D) A storm is coming.

Questions 4 to 5 refer to the following advertisement:

Apartment for rent
We are renting our double room apartment for $5,000 per month. Management costs for every month are 10% of the rent. It is 65 square meters. It has a kitchen, living room with a sofa and two bedrooms. It is located in Taichung City, Xi Tun District, and is near Amart and Fengjia Night market. It is suitable for young couples with one child. Renters will need to pay two months rent before they move in. For more information, please call Brad on 0970 545 676.

4. How much do renters have to pay every month
for rent and management costs?
(A) $5,000
(B) $4,500
(C) $600
(D) $5,500

5. How many people does the advertisement recommend to live in this place?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

6. According to the advertisement, what is true?
(A) It is close to the hospital.
(B) It is in Taipei.
(C) It is close to market places.
(D) It is far from the train station.


Questions 1 to 3 refer to the following notice:

Questions 4 to 5 refer to the following advertisement:

About 李海碩
現職:台中市立東山高中研究發展組長、ETS 認證多益英語測驗專業發展工作坊講師


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