多益普及英語測驗(TOEIC Bridge)的常見情境中,包含醫院(hospital)、診所(clinic)與藥局(pharmacy)等場景,其中最常出現的呈現形式,就是「公告」(announcement)、「醫囑」(doctor’s advice/order)、「預約(更改與取消)」(reservation, making changes and cancellations),下表將簡單介紹這三種情境的答題技巧。

為了確保測驗公平性,TOEIC Bridge 不會出現關於身體不適的負面詞彙,以免影響考生情緒,但還是推薦大家未來進一步學習「如何以英文表達身體不舒服結合溝通情境學習醫院診所篇出國怕生病?學會情境用字就搞定的狀況」,畢竟若有一天在出國時需要就醫,這是很關鍵的生存能力!下面共有兩篇閱讀題組,分別是公告、預約的形式,一起來練習看看吧!
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice:
notice 通知;take a holiday/vacation 放假;yearly 年度的;patient 病人;veteran 榮民;experience 經驗;deal with 處理;charge 收費;cause 造成
Dr. Gibson will be taking his yearly holiday from the 12th to the 28th of January. Any patient who would like to visit him during this time can go to the Veteran Hospital and see Dr. Robins. Mr. Robins has over 20 years experience dealing with patient’s health problems. When Mr. Gibson is away, he will charge 20% less than Dr. Gibson. Sorry for any trouble this may have caused you.
DS Hospital.
1. What is happening in January?
(A)The veteran’s hospital will be closed.
(B)Dr. Gibson will be seeing many patients.
(C)Dr. Gibson will be taking a holiday.
(D)20% the doctors in DS Hospital will not be working.
2. According to the notice, why is seeing Dr.Robins a good idea?
(A)He is patient and kind.
(B)He is very experienced in helping patients.
(C)He is a good heart doctor.
(D)He will charge 30% less than Dr. Gibson.
Questions 3-4 refer to the following email:
make an appointment 約見;toothache 牙痛;brush teeth 刷牙;habit 習慣;arrange 安排;check 查訪;healthcare card 健保卡;ASAP = as soon as possible 越快越好
Dear. Dr. Mayson,
My name is Roy Rothschild. I would like to make an appointment to see you next Monday, because I have had a very bad toothache for the last week. I always brush my teeth, but only 1 minute at a time. I know I should brush longer, and have decided to change my bad habit. I think there is a hole in my tooth. Can I arrange to have you check and clean my teeth next Monday? I have a healthcare card.
Please let me know ASAP.
3. Why does Mr. Rothschild have to see the doctor?
(A)He has a toothache.
(B)He has a stomachache.
(C)He has a fever.
(D)He can’t sleep at night.
4. What is the cause of Roy’s sickness?
(A)He doesn’t brush his teeth.
(B)He eats too much ice cream.
(C)He doesn’t brush his teeth very long.
(D)He drinks too much tea.
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice:
Questions 4-5 refer to the following email:
現職:台中市立東山高中研究發展組長、ETS 認證多益英語測驗專業發展工作坊講師