分析文章區塊4撇步 讓你看懂圖表題

在國中會考中的閱讀部分,近年來最常出現的就是圖表與資訊連結的題型。而正好多益普及測驗(TOEIC Bridge)的閱讀部分,幾乎每篇都是以圖表、公告、信件,或是其他實用性文體呈現,若學生對這部分較不熟悉,可以透過TOEIC Bridge 練習,為國中會考做準備。不過,碰到這種應用性文體與圖表時,該怎麼處理最有效率呢?訣竅又是什麼?趕快來看看本篇要教你的撇步。

Photo: Nicola , CC Licensed

首先我們以106 年的國中會考題型舉例:

The book festival is coming!

Do you have some books you don’t want?
Your old love may be someone’s new favorite.
Bring one book to the Town Library & get another one home for free!

When & How:
March 2 – March 14
Bring one book for one book festival card.
March 16 – March 31
Bring one card for one book you like to read.

What books:
All kinds of books EXCEPT school books, comic books, and dictionaries.

1. Your book must be in good shape, without any page missing.
2. Your book must be clean, and nothing is written on it.

Want to know more? Please call 1234-5678.
(We are closed on Mondays.)
-Town Library-

閱讀文章時,最需要的就是學會把文章的關鍵區塊「分區」的能力。例如範例的這篇文章第一區是標題,重點告訴了我們“Bring one and get one home for free",所以是「換書」而不是賣書;第二區則是在講活動時間與進行的方式,而第三區有書本交換的種類與規範,第四區則是有聯絡方式與開放時間。分析好區塊後,我們就可以在作答時快速掌握所需要的資訊。

16. What is the book festival for?
(A)Selling second-hand books.
(B)Telling people how to choose books.
(C) Inviting people to change books with each other.
(D) Knowing what kinds of books are the most popular.

這題問的是what for,表示目的,要看題目的第一區。文章中清楚表明是換書而不是賣書,所以答案自然是有交換概念的(C)。

17. Sonja is busy packing some books for the book festival. Which is most likely one of them?
(A)An old dictionary of medicine.
(B)A book of short stories in English.
(C)A picture book with her own notes.
(D)A workbook she used in her math class.

這題中要問的是書本種類,看第三區。「EXCEPT(除外)」後面接了三個種類:school books(學校用書)、comic books(漫畫)以及dictionaries(字典),而下方的說明當中則註記了without any page missing(無缺頁)以及nothing is written on it(無註記)的額外條件。選項(A)是dictionary(字典)、(C)是with notes(有註記)、(D)是math class(數學課)用的workbook(習作簿),故僅有(B)是答案。

題目來源/ http://cap.ntnu.edu.tw/examination.html

18. Look at the calendar. If Sean has a book festival card, when can he use it?
(A)March 3.
(B)March 14.
(C)March 23.
(D)March 29.

這題要問的是時間,時間標明在第二區。題目問的是如果有卡,可以何時使用。第二區告訴我們的是3/2-3/14 是以書換卡,3/16-3/31 則是以卡換書。但即便知道了時間的區段,答案依然有(C)、(D)可以選,所以文章中一定還提供了其他的資訊。

題目中提供的是包括日期和星期的日曆,既然無法從日期判別出來,關鍵一定就在星期上。文章第四區有出現周一公休(We are closed on Mondays.),因此從日曆中去掉周一的選項(D)3/29,答案就是(C)3/23。


1. 先快速閱讀頭尾,再看內文。
2. 要求自己讀完後用「十個字」摘要重點內容。
3. 表格或公告可透過標題或欄位編排定義區塊。
4. 若是信件,記得找出「PAC」。
註: Purpose(來信意圖)、Action(希望採取行動)、Contact(聯絡資訊)。

TOEIC Bridge 之中,幾乎所有的閱讀題目也都是圖表或公告。例如:

Book Fair

Many great books to choose from!
When: May 3 and 4, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Where: School cafeteria
Why: All money from the sale will be used to support the school orchestra
題目來源/ https://www.ets.org/toeic_bridge/prepare

81. What is the announcement about?
(A)Eating lunch
(B)Listening to an orchestra
(C)Going to school
(D)Buying books

82. When does the sale end?
(A)At 3:00 P.M.
(B)At 4:00 P.M.
(C)At 5:00 P.M.
(D)At 10:00 P.M.

從文章標題的切分中我們可以清楚看見重點只有三個:When, Where, Why。81 題問的是公告目的,跟書本展覽會有關,故答案選(D);82 題問when,直接看when 那一行就會發現結束的時間是下午五點,答案選(C)。

現職:台中市立東山高中數位學習組長、ETS 認證多益英語測驗專業發展工作坊講師



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