★ 單字
1. health [hɛlθ] n. 健康(國中基本1200字)
2. picture [ˋpɪktʃɚ] v. 想像(國中基本1200字)
3. stand [stænd] v. 忍受(用於否定句)(國中基本1200字)
★ 實用字詞
1. workout運動; doing some workouts 表示在鍛鍊自己的身體。
2. shake up指組織的「重新改組」,或用於表示某人「改頭換面」。
3. dump原指「傾倒(垃圾等)」,口語有「甩掉某人」之意,指男女朋友分手。
4. couch potato字意為「沙發馬鈴薯」,實指「成天坐在沙發上看電視的人」。
Jake is talking with his sister, Peggy, in the living room, with the TV on.
Jake正在客廳開著電視,和姊姊 Peggy交談。

You’ve finally started/doing something/for your health.
She said she couldn’t picture sharing her life with a couch potato.
1. What may Jake be doing now?
(A) Sitting on the sofa and watching ball games.
(B) Exercising on the living room floor.
(C) Playing video games with Peggy.
2. What happened to Jake last week?
(A) He got a new job as a sports coach.
(B) He forgot to do housework for his mother.
(C) He broke up with his girlfriend.
3. What does Peggy mean in the end?
(A) Bridget didn’t do the right thing.
(B) She also thinks Jake is too lazy.
(C) Jake doesn’t care about Bridget at all.
She said/she couldn’t picture/sharing her life/with a couch potato.
1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B)
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