★ 單字
- dentist [ˋdɛntɪst] 牙醫(n) (國中基礎1200字)
- dessert [dɪˋzɝt] 甜點(n) (國中基礎1200字)
- doughnut[ ˈdəʊˌnʌt ] 甜甜圈(n) (國中基礎1200字)
- drugstore [ˋdrʌg͵stor] 藥局(n) (國中基礎1200字)
- especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] 特別、尤其、格外(adv) (國中基礎1200字)
- fast food restaurant [ˋfæstˋfud] [ˋrɛstərənt] 速食餐廳(n) (國中基礎1200字)
- toothache 牙齒痛
- By the way順帶一提
- I think so, too. 我也這樣認為
- until 直到
have a toothache 牙痛
I forgot /how terrifying/ it was/ to visit the dentist/ last time.
I forgot how terrifying it was to go to see a doctor last time.
考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型
- What happened to Maggie?
(A)She had a fever.
(B)She had a toothache.
(C) She had a bad score in math.
- According to the conversation, which is true?
(A) It’ll take about 10 minutes to see the dentist.
(B) Maggie loves to eat doughnuts.
(C) Jennifer had a toothache.
解答:1.(B) 2. (B)
I forgot/ how terrifying/ it was/ to go to see a doctor/ last time.
TOEIC Bridge測驗夥伴學校
基隆市輔大聖心高中 羅雅苓 編寫