Welcome to Lane Field. Today, the Claremont Seals play against your San Miguel Padres. Be sure to make a trip to the snack stand and enjoy some tasty Padre hot dogs, snacks, drinks and treats. If you’d like to take home a souvenir from your day at the ball game, pay a visit to the Padres Shop where you can buy authentic sports gear and memorabilia to remember your day at the ballpark with.
If you are having trouble locating your seats, just show your ticket stub to a friendly usher. Again, welcome to Lane Field and we hope you and your family enjoy the game.
歡迎來到連恩運動場!今天是Claremont Seals隊對上San Miguel Padres隊的比賽。請走趟小吃攤,品嚐一下美味的Padre熱狗、點心、飲料和美食。如果想利用今天看球賽的機會帶點紀念品回家,請到Padre專賣店逛逛吧,可以買到正版的運動用品和紀念品,為你在球場難忘的一日留下紀念。