隨著12年國教新制開跑,剛剛上路的108 課綱更加著重於素養導向教學,也就是將知識運用在生活上的能力。國際兒童英語能力認證標準(TOEFL Primary)的題型設計,同樣呼應108課綱強調的核心素養,就讓我們一起動手寫寫看TOEFL Primary的範例題型,了解一下自己具備哪些核心素養吧!
- People work here. They can grow corn and other vegetables here. Sometimes, pigs, cows, and goats live here. Where is it?
(A)A zoo (B)A farm (C)A market
- This takes you from one place to another. You need a ticket to ride this. This travels on land. What is it?
(A)An airplane (B)A train (C)A car
- You and a friend are running. You want to catch up to your friend. You are chasing your friend. You are_____ your friend.
(A)above (B)beside (C)behind
- You use it when you send a letter to someone. It is made of paper. You write a street address on it. What is it?
(A)A notebook (B)A pen (C)An envelope
- You do this when you take books to school. You do this with a small child who cannot walk. You do this with a bag that does not have wheels. You______ them.
(A)open (B)carry (C)pack
- You are holding a glass. You drop it on the floor. Now it is in many small pieces. It is_______.
(A)far (B)heavy (C)broken
- You grew carrots in your garden. Now you are ready to eat them. You pull them out of the ground. Before you eat the carrots, you first have to wash them. The carrots are _____.
(A)dirty (B)heavy (C)old
把零碎概念統整成一個完整概念需要一定的認知能力,比如說,從來不知道farm 是什麼東西的人,可能會看到動物就回答zoo,看到vegetables就回答market。這種認知能力的應用,完全符合素養能力中,「自主行動」裡的「系統思考與解決問題」的能力。同時,由於文字應用在本質上就是藉由符號傳達意義,當然也符合素養能力中,「溝通互動」裡的「符號運用與溝通表達」的能力。
解答:B / B / C / C / B / C / A
(以上題型出自《TOEFL Primary Practice Tests: Reading and Listening》)