托福閱讀測驗的題型主要包含七大類型:找出段落主題或全文主旨(Gist)、特定重要細節(Specific or Supporting details)、段落功能或邏輯結構(Function or Logical structure)、情境用詞(Vocabulary in Context)、推論(Inference)、口氣或態度(Tone or Attitude)、應用思考或批判思考(Application)。
1. 範例或解釋(Example or Explanation)
2. 定義或重述(Definition or Restatement)
3. 同義字(Synonym)
4. 反義字或對照(Antonym or Contrast)
5. 推論(Inference)
可能有隨著舉例出現的功能字詞, 如for example、for instance、such as、like、 including;或為清楚解釋的功能字詞,如which is、means、is called、known as 等提示線索。也可以是文法結構上的用法,如逗點(commas)、連接號(dashes)、括弧(parentheses),或that 子句。
A. 試試看!用功能字詞猜出單字意思:
1. The archeologist found different amulets, such as a rabbit´s foot and bags of herb.
2. Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars, have fascinated man through the centuries.
3. In science we were studying marine mammals such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
4. There is a 30 percent chance of precipitation, such as snow, rain or sleet.
B. 情境用詞解碼:
1. amulets 是護身符,可由such as 後面接的護身符(rabbit´s foot)、香包(bags of herb)判斷。
2. celestial 是天體的,可由including 後面接的太陽(sun)、月亮(moon)等推知。
3. mammals 是哺乳動物,可從鯨魚(whales)、海豚(dolphins)等推測。
4. precipitation 意指降水, 可由雪(snow)、雨(rain)或霰(sleet,指下雨兼下雪的天氣)判斷。
此類情境用詞後方多會跟著is、and、that is、or、in other word 等提示線索,再接著敘述定義,或以不同片語或句子重述意義,讓讀者找出字詞的意義。
A. 猜猜看!從定義及重述提示找單字線索:
1. At night you can see constellations, or groups of stars, in the sky.
2. Linda is a curator, a person who is responsible for looking after a museum´s collection.
3. Entomology is the study of insects, such as bees, butterflies, and beetles.
4. Archeology is the scientific study of prehistoric cultures by excavation of their remains.
B. 情境用詞解碼:
1. constellations 是星群、星座,由接在or 後面的提示可得知與星群(groups of stars)同義。
2. curator 指文化保存機構的看門人或博物館館長,由負責博物館收藏(looking after a museum´scollection)可了解其意。
3. entomology 意指昆蟲學,由研究昆蟲(study of insects)可推知。
4. archeology則是考古學,可從研究古代文化(study of prehistoric cultures)判斷定義。