
1. transfer 轉交
字首trans-是across「跨越」,-fer則是「承受」,英文解釋為「move from one place to another」。因此要表達轉乘交通工具時可以用這個字,而多益聽力部分也常會有轉乘公車或捷運等對話。
例句:If you want to get to the museum, you need to transfer to Line Blue.
另外,transfer也有「to make over the possession or control of」之意,也就是轉移擁有權(轉交權力)。
例句:The transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from U.K to China took place on 1 July 1997.(1997年7月1日香港主權從英國轉交到大陸。)
在多益人事與組織情境中,transfer還可以當作「(v. n.)調職;遷移」。
Although she has been transferred to Hong Kong, Ms. Xi and her former colleagues remain in contact.
與transfer相關的單字還有transferable (adj.),為「可轉交的」,例如多益考題曾出現的non-transferable tickets不得轉讓的票券(某些廉價機票不得轉讓)。
※字首non-是否定字首;名詞變化transferability (n.) 可轉讓性。
2. transform 轉變
如同transfer,這個字也是由trans-字首加上form(形體或形式),英文解釋為「change the outward form or appearance of」,改變外在形體或外表,也有改變性格或是狀態的意思。
例句:Business also has a crucial role to play in driving the clean energy transformation.
例句:It is now a transformable standing/seating two-tier stand.
3. change 改變
Change同樣也有「變」的意思,和transform有什麼不同呢?Change英文解釋為make or become different(使之不一樣),可知這個字的使用範圍較廣泛,不像前兩個有特定的用法;如果特別指轉換外型或狀態,就要用transform。
例句:It was a proposal to change the law.
另外還有take or use another instead of(使用另外一個…)
例句:She decided to change her name.(她決定要改名。)
1. It would take many hours of cleaning and repairing for the young family to transform the ______ into a clean and comfortable little cottage.
(A) territory
(B) manor
(C) hovel
(D) office
2. The Board of Directors was impressed by Mr. Delagua’s ability to implement necessary changes and his ________ of new business methods to meet new challenges.
(A) application
(B) applicable
(C) apply
(D) applying
1. 正確答案(C)茅屋。本題要測驗同義詞,題目中的cottage小茅屋和選項(C)hovel同義。選項(A)疆域、(B)莊園、(D)辦公室。
2. 正確答案(A)應用。本題測驗apply的詞性變化。his是所有格形容詞,後面要接名詞,因此選項(A)application為正解。選項(B)形容詞、(C)動詞、(D)則是動名詞。
題意為:董事會對於Mr. Delagua實施必要改變以及他應用新商業方法來達到新挑戰的能力感到印象深刻。
文/Buffy Kao