英語教育向來是許多家長關注的學習焦點,你是否擔心坊間教學參差不齊,無法讓孩子有效學習?不妨透過全球通用的國際兒童英語能力認證標準TOEFL Primary,來幫助掌握孩子的學習成效與進度。
TOEFL Primary測驗成績單提供了詳細的英文能力敘述及未來學習建議,可協助孩童補強英文能力弱項後,再接再厲地朝下個階段邁進。下方有TOEFL Primary的範例題,不妨一起來挑戰看看吧!
短文題組(Text with More than 1 Question)
Dear Ms. Miller,
I really enjoyed your class last year. Remember when we learned about polar climate and the animals that live there? Well, this winter vacation, I went to the aquarium with my family and I saw some of these animals. I saw sea lions and different sorts of penguins over there. I told my family everything I learned about these animals in your class. I even kept my science diary from last year and wrote about the aquarium animals in it. Keeping science diaries was fun, and I am going to continue mine in my new science class.
1. Why is Carl writing to his teacher?
(A) To tell her about his new teacher
(B) To tell her about his vacation
(C) To ask her about how to keep good diaries
2. What did Carl like about his science class?
(A) Keeping science diaries
(B) Going to the aquarium
(C) Learn more about penguins
TOEFL Primary 的題型介紹及題型內容
分別有閱讀測驗和聽力測驗,學習者可依程度別選擇Step 1 或Step 2 測驗
1. 圖片描述(Picture Questions)
2. 應答問題(Short Group of Sentences with 1 Question)
3. 短文題組(Text with More than 1 Question)
1. 圖片描述(Picture Questions)
2. 應答問題(Conversation Responses)
3. 對話問題(Conversations and Messages with 1 Question)
4. 短文題組(Listening Text with More than 1 Question)
Step 1 題數→閱讀39 題(含範例3 題)/聽力41 題(含範例5 題)→適合初學者
Step 2 題數→閱讀37 題(含範例1 題)/聽力39 題(含範例3 題)→適合有基礎溝通能力者
想知道不同測驗題型可分別用於評量與檢測哪種程度的英語能力敘述,可至TOEFL Primary官網上查詢詳盡資訊
(以上題型改編自《TOEFL Primary Sample Test》)
解答:watermelon / ruler / clock / bear / kite