樁腳 vote broker

(Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels)

名詞 (選舉用語)

相似詞 field organizer, fundraiser, endorser, donor, mover and shaker
搭配詞 campaign, election, influence, donation


樁腳是台灣特有說法,可大可小,可正可邪,可明可暗,十分傳神,要找相應詞不容易,vote broker(選票掮客)頗為接近,很有那份「江湖味」。不過若要對英語人士說vote broker,對方可能一頭霧水,所以不妨再加說明。

如果此樁腳只是單純的擔任分區負責人、貢獻勞力,可稱為field organizer,是個很光明磊落的工作。如果此樁腳要到處找人捐錢,就稱為fundraiser,如果又要跑腿又要捐錢,就把兩者合起來a field organizer and a fundraiser。如果這位樁腳自己也很有名,以知名度為候選人站台,那就叫endorser,如果尚不僅此,還有一堆金錢或影響力之類的複雜關係,那就叫他vote broker吧!


With a reputation as a valid vote broker, he has the candidates of both parties scrambling for his endorsement and money.

The truth about the famous vote broker turned out to hurt the campaign beyond repair.

If you want to be a public relations specialist, why not start out as a field organizer or a canvasser? Both positions can give you good experience.