晉升;提升 promotion

(Photo by ShotPot from Pexels)


相似字 advancement, improvement
搭配詞 gain promotion, get/win a promotion, promotion to sth, chance of promotion


2010年,中國電視劇《杜拉拉升職記》在兩岸三地造成不小的轟動。之所以能抓住觀眾的胃口,就在於同樣是平民出身的女主角,沒有煊赫的背景,卻能在大公司內從助理獲得晉升(gain promotion)為人資經理。她的角色容易讓觀眾產生自我投射,而劇中寫實的職場生活更引來許多粉領族的共鳴。若你也在尋求工作的拔擢機會(chance of promotion),不妨瞧瞧杜拉拉怎麼做吧!


如果短期內 Emma 無法獲得拔擢,她會另尋工作。
If Emma cannot get a promotion soon, she will look for another job.

His promotion to Vice President took everyone by surprise.

There was little chance of promotion within the company.