補習班 learning center

(Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)


相似詞 learning institute / afterschool / crash course


補習班稱為cram school,是台灣的用法,在美國沒有人這麼用,cram是「填滿」、「塞」的意思,形象並不好,至少開補習班的人不會喜歡這個用法,除非是受不了補習的學生才會以此嘲諷之,「填鴨教育」稱為cram education倒蠻適合。

Learning center或learning institute是最普遍的說法,如要細分,還有如下的分別:中小學生的課後輔導班,偏向才藝、運動等較輕鬆的內容,稱為afterschool 或enrichment program。政府或大學辦的大眾教育課程,可稱為adult education(成人教育)、continuing education(延伸教育)、extension program(拓展課程)。各式各樣的短期集訓班、加強班,如三個月拿到會計執照,五個月高考必過之類的課,稱為crash course。



There’re already three learning centers for school children in our neighborhood. Are you sure you want to start a fourth one?

There’re more learning centers than needed on the market, and the competition is so fierce that some even offer three months free trial.

Right across the Taipei train station is the famous learning center district. Thousands of students bury their heads in the textbooks, trying to get ahead of their peers.