生活英語X國中會考 【生活篇】中元節
★ 單字
festival [fes.tə.vəl ] n. 節日(國中基礎1200字)
spirit [ˈspɪr.ət] n. 精神; 靈魂;心靈(國中進階2000字)
respect [rɪˈspekt] n. v. 尊敬;尊重(國中基礎1200字)
★ 實用字詞
ritual (n.) 儀式
deceased (adj.) 去世的
scapegoat (n.) 代罪羔羊;替死鬼
閱讀技巧:找出文章中的名詞子句(that S + V),以利閱讀。
Chinese believe that the gate of hell opens on the first day of the month…
考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型
When is the Ghost Festival?
(A) On the first day of the seventh month.
(B) On the fifteenth day of the seventh month.
(C) On the last day of the seventh month.
What do Chinese people do to celebrate the Ghost Festival?
(A) Release sky lanterns.
(B) Set off fireworks.
(C) Prepare food offerings.
What CAN’T people do during the Ghost month?
(A) Go swimming.