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1. 先略讀、再確認文章結構重點

第一次閱讀時,先略讀全文,看到標題Gender in the Wild,便可以猜測本文論點與gende有關,in the wild指的是荒野或野外,可以猜測這篇文章與生存在荒野之中的野生動物有關。繼續閱讀後,再看下方三個次標題(Studies Show Gender Effect in Elephant Societies、Gelada Study Reveals Female Primates with Power、Researchers Discover Gender- Driven Play in Chimps),可以發現都有相關詞彙如
study、studies、researchers,可知要談研究野生動物後的發現,三個次標題提及的動物分別是elephant(大象)、gelada(狒狒) 及chimps(猩猩)。略讀完後,接著閱讀第二遍,確認文章結構與重點。

2. 以關鍵字寫出大綱

作為範例的這篇文章由於已經有了次標題,因此大綱結構便能很明確地以三個次標題為主,再加上main idea及supporting details即可,一起來看看下方的範例、練習看看吧!

1. Studies Show Gender Effect in Elephant Societies
Main idea: Female elephants are in charge of raising families, while males form hierarchical groups with other males.
Supporting details: Female elephants cooperate to raise babies and organized groups, to protect young elephant; Male elephants stay close to their female family members until 14 and leave to form other groups with male elephants; Male elephants knew their status, and followed a strict social hierarchy.

2. Gelada Study Reveals Female Primates with Power
Main idea: Female geladas control family groups in gelada society.
Supporting details: Female geladas have power in family groups; Nonfamily male geladas live in separate groups; Most family males are replaced after a few years.

3. Researchers Discover Gender-Driven Play in Chimps
Main idea: ________________________________________________________________
Supporting details: _________________________________________________________

資料來源/ Blass, L. & Vargo, M. (2018). Pathways: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking 3. Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, Inc.

3. 擬出主題句及重點

可先就下列架構(topic sentence、important ideas、supporting details)列出主題句及需列入的重點。這篇範例文章主軸是three studies on three different animals,以三種動物來說明性別差異的互動及影響。因此主題句可擬出:Three studies reveal interesting details about social relationships among different species, particularly in regard to gender. 而文中每一種動物都各自為一項important idea,後續再補充重要細節,整體的摘述結構便會很完整。

4. 撰寫摘述


Summary: Gender in the Wild
Three studies reveal interesting details about social relationships among different species, particularly in regard to gender. Although elephants are known for their strong matriarchal bonds, males also form their own social groups with hierarchies and strong social bonds.(此處可加入重要細節)Another study of gelada baboons
reveals that it is the females who control the family group.(此處可加入重要細節)Finally, a third study reveals that __________________.

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《 English OK 中學英閱誌 》第17期
期刊訂閱 » 優惠方案