“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin

會議是個腦力激盪的場合,通常充滿了各式各樣點子和豐富且有意義的討論,但如果沒有任何具體的action plans(行動計畫),會議只會drag on(一直拖),也無法真正的聚焦。因此會議的最後通常會有兩個重要的點,一是總結會議主要的討論要點,另一則是針對要點所要採取的行動或計畫,加上一兩句會議的結語。
Execute (v)執行,也就是carry out,名詞為execution,executive (n)執行長。
Mr. Smith stepped down as the Chief Executive Officer of Pharma Pharmaceutical company.
(Mr. Smith辭掉Pharma製藥的執行長位置。)
Drag (v, n)解釋為「拖,拖很久」,drag one’s feet「拖延,腳步緩慢;拖著腳步」。
I think the government is dragging its feet about whether to invest money in eSports.
I think we’ve covered everything. Let’s sum up what we have now.
It’s a good idea to summarize/wrap up what has been discussed
It’s best to run through the main points we agreed.
Sum up和summarize用作動詞,做「總結」解釋,名詞為summary。Meeting minutes 的minutes就是一個summary或record。
Wrap up這裡是動詞「結束、總結」finish的意思,是比較口語、非正式的表現方式。Wrap的另一個解釋是「包裝」,譬如包裝紙是wrapping paper,禮品包裝就是 gift-wrap。
I’d like to have this gift-wrapped.
1. It/that will be all for today。
2. If no one has anything to add, I think we can stop here.
3. We’ll email you the meeting minutes this week.
4. We’ll meet again on 5/5.
5. Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here.
6. Thank you for coming to the meeting today.
當然會議的過程中一定會有個紀錄者將會議的內容寫下來,一般記筆記我們都會用動詞take,如take notes,記錄會議內容也是用同一個動詞,我們就可說是take the (meeting)minutes,也可以將minute直接用作動詞,會議完之後才是正式的write the meeting minutes。
Jane is going to minute the meeting today.
基本上,會議紀錄跟會議的agenda很類似,最大的區別在於,meeting minutes上由會議中所做的決定和接下來誰會負責什麼樣的行動(action plans),通常這時的人名都會用initials(姓名的第一個字母),如Jane Smith就是JS。
在寫會議紀錄時要避免一直寫 He/ She said,反而要善用下列的動詞:agree、ask、bring up、decide、nominate、emphasize/ stress、recommend、report、suggest、mention、discuss。
1. agree
The participants agreed unanimously on the proposed budget.
※Unanimous (adj)「一致同意的」,千萬別跟另個看起來很像的anonymous (adj)搞混, anonymous是「匿名」的意思。
2. emphasize
The manager emphasized the importance of the advertising campaign for our latest product.
※跟emphasize (v)同義的字尚有highlight、stress。
另外,有些會議紀錄的英文動詞後面是需要加動名詞Ving,如recommend、suggest、 mention、discuss。
3. recommend
JL recommended hiring an external consultant to help us with the problem.
※external (adj)「外部的」,internal (adj)「內部的」
4. mention
JS mentioned modifying our existing product range.
※Product range表示「產品項目」,這種有「範圍」意思的我們都可以用range,譬如說常看見的a range of services、a range of products。
最後在每個action底下都會寫好誰會負責做什麼,我們簡單節錄Business results: Pre-Intermediate書上的範例來看看是如何呈現的。這裡可以清楚地看到人名部分以initials縮寫出現,然後action plan列在事項的下面。
1. During the meeting, we discussed …………… our office to another city.
(A) relocation
(B) to relocate
(C) relocating
(D) relocate
2. Mr. Brown …………… by the board members to be the next chairman of the committee.
(A) was nomination
(B) nominated
(C) was nominating
(D) was nominated
1. 此題題意為「在會議上我們討論到將辦公室搬遷到另個城市。」本題為文法題,主要在考discuss這個動詞的用法。Discuss後面需加名詞或是動名詞形式,因此本題正確答案是(C)。
2. 此題題意為「Mr. Brown被委員們提名為委員會的主席。」本題為文法題,主要在考符合語意的語態。Mr. Brown是被提名而不是提名者,因此需要用被動語態「be + Vp.p.」,因此本題正確答案是(D)。