
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

“And the Oscar goes to …”,隨著這句話,一人或一群人從座位上跳起來,接受鄰座吻頰祝賀,上台,舉起小金人,開始兩分鐘「得獎感言」(acceptance speech)。



這要頒給Sally Field,她是非常會演的人,有時你還希望她少演一點,所謂less is better。1985年她以《我心深處》(Places in the Heart)再度得到最佳女主角,得獎表現跟她的戲路一樣,精靈無比,淋漓盡緻,只是演過頭了。她是這麼說的:

Oh, Benton, what you did for me! You changed my life, truly. This means so much more to me this time. I don’t know why, I think the first time I hardly felt it because it was all so new. I owe a lot to my cast and players, to Lindsay and John and Danny and Ed and Amy and my little friends Gennie and Yankton. I owe a lot to my family for holding me together and loving me and having patience with this obsession of me. But I want to say thank you to you. I haven’t had an orthodox career and I want more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn’t feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can’t deny the fact that you like me (興奮), right now! You like me (更興奮)! Thank you!


她聰明地強調,這不是她第一次得獎,而是「再度」得獎。 “You like me”這句話也和她第一次得最佳女主角的電影( Norma Rae, 1979)有關。


誰敢上台誰都不謝?就是那種演了一輩子都沒有得獎,老時忽然得了一個獎的人,也許大家都心知肚明那是安慰獎 (consolation prize)。約翰韋恩(John Wayne)是世界影壇異數,他一輩子做男主角,但不管演西部牛仔或二戰軍官,永遠只有一號表情,卻在50-70年代紅得不得了。

1970 年,他終於以「大地驚雷」(True Grit) 獲最佳男主角,他的謝詞很短,沒有謝任何個人,而是謝全球影迷,他的確應當如此。他是這麼說的:

I want to thank the members of the Academy. To all you people watching on television: Thank you for taking such a warm interest in our glorious industry. Good night.



任何時代的文藝青年,都會鑽進電影資料庫中,研究默片時代的桌別林(Charlie Chaplin),他對「幽默和人性」(Humor and Humanity)的詮釋,至今無人能超越,被視為電影界最珍貴的靈魂之一。1972年,美國影藝學院頒榮譽獎給他,他的致詞,短而精妙。桌別林的最佳創作,都是默片,當有聲電影出現時,他還拒絶了一陣子,有誰比他更適合說出「無法『言』喻」這樣的話呢?

This is an emotional moment for me, and words seem so futile, so feeble (言語似乎如此無用又無力). I can only say thank you for the honor of inviting me here. You’re wonderful, sweet people. Thank you.



1973年的最佳男主角頒獎,應是歷年奧斯卡典禮中最怪異的一次,得獎人馬龍白蘭度(教父,The Godfather)根本不出席,由一名著原住民服裝的美國印地安女孩上台宣讀聲明。


He very regretfully cannot accept this very generous award, and the reasons for this are the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry (掌聲和噓聲), excuse me… and on television in movie reruns, and also the recent happenings at Wounded Knee. I beg at this time that I have not intruded upon this evening, and that in the future, our hearts and our understandings will meet with love and generosity. Thank you on behalf of Marlon Brando.
