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★單字 1. delivery [ dɪˋlɪvərɪ ] n. 外送、快遞(國中挑戰800字) 2. member [ˋmɛmbɚ ] n. 會員(國中基本1200字) ★實用字詞 1. sign up 報名參加 2. 5% off 打95折 Heidi saw an online advertising on Facebook. 海蒂在臉書看到一則線上廣告。 閱讀技巧:將長句分成短字詞,以利閱讀 Enjoy top drivers/on rides/driving you home/safely. 享受一流駕駛/旅程中/開車送你返家/安全地。 動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Sign up below to become a member for just $9.99/month. 考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型 1. What is the ad for? (A) A ride (B) A delivery (C) Membership 2. How much will Ms. Evans pay for her two-hundred-dollar order if she signs up? (A) $180 (B) $190 (C) $9.9 3. Which of the following payment options is NOT mentioned? (A) Check. (B) Cash. (C) Credit Card 解答: 動手做做看:將長句分成短字詞 Sign up/below/to become a member/for just $9.99/month. 報名參加/以下/成為會員/每個月只要$9.99。 考題練習:T
六大英語學習法 成功擺脫菜英文!

六大英語學習法 成功擺脫菜英文!

EnglishOK#32, 封面故事, 文章
從國中階段開始,學生每三年就有一次英語能力檢核,國中有國中會考,高中有學力測驗,不管考試的型態與時間如何更改,有計畫在國內升學的學生,都需要具備相對應的語言實力及相關成績,才能順利銜接高中、大學,而課業量開始加重的國中時期正是英語學習的關鍵階段。 (閱讀全文...)