標籤: 英語能力



Dialogue C Trouble with a Reservation J: Jennifer W: Wrigley Hostel Receptionist Jennifer is calling Wrigley Hostel in Chicago to check on a reservation she had made earlier. W: Hello, this is the Wrigley Hostel. How may I help you? J: Hi. My name is Jennifer Lee. I wanted to check on a reservation I have for June 29th through July 1st. W: OK.Give me a moment to look up your information. J: I should have a single for the 29th and the 30th and a bunk in the women's dorm on the 1st. W: Thank you. Actually, it looks like you're in a mixed dorm for the 1st. J: That must be a mistake. I didn't book a mixed dorm. W: I'm sorry; I can't switch you back, because the women's dorm is already full on that day. J: But I already paid for everything online. W: You're right. I can see it...
高中校園國際教育正夯 帶動學生優勢看漲

高中校園國際教育正夯 帶動學生優勢看漲

隨著人手一機、溝通無國界的時代來臨, 每個人都有機會與世界連結,想培養國際觀、提升未來競爭力, 國際教育在教學現場的重要性也日漸受到重視。 到底國際教育能創造哪些優勢呢?對未來求學或求職有什麼具體幫助? 本期特別請到四位受過國際教育的學生與畢業校友,分別以不同角度告訴你, 國際教育如何讓他們看見更不一樣的世界。 文/林郁宸 《 English OK 中學英閱誌 》第15期 各大通路、誠品書店、博客來同步販售中! 期刊訂閱 » 優惠方案


TOP NEWS, 文章, 親子共學
《唱歌的美人魚》(The Singing Mermaid)是一本孩子一眼看到就會被吸引的繪本,在深淺不一的藍色封面中,美人魚閃閃發光,色彩繽紛的標題與環繞的星星似乎都在為這個歡樂的故事揭開序幕,作者Julia Donaldson獨具特色的韻文與插畫家Lydia Monks色彩明麗的繪圖,立即將我們帶入銀色海灘人魚共樂、歡快祥和的情境。 (閱讀全文...)


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★ 單字 fact [fækt] n. 事實(國中基礎1200字) bite [baɪt] v. 咬(國中基礎1200字) train [tren] v. 訓練(國中基礎1200字) ★ 實用字詞 1. through 表「透過」,常接名詞;by 表「藉由」,則接動名詞(V-ing)。 2. guide dog/police dog/detector dog/therapy dog 導盲犬/警犬/檢疫犬/狗醫生 (閱讀全文...)