觀光英語很重要 從自我介紹開始學起

圖片來源:English OK

Dialogue A
Meeting a Host Family

Kevin: Kevin Huang
J: Jim Richardson
K: Kathy Richardson
Kevin Huang has just arrived at his host family’s home in Los Angeles.
J&K: Welcome Kevin!
Kevin: Hello! You must be the Richardsons. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
K: We are pleased to finally meet you as well.
Kevin: What a nice home you have!
J: Thanks! Did you have a good flight?
Kevin: It was OK, but it took too long! My legs are still stiff.
K: Well, we’re happy to have you staying with us. The kids are at school today, so you’ll meet them later. Jim will show you to your room, and then we’ll have dinner outside in the backyard.
J: Let’s go upstairs!
(Later, in the backyard.)
Kevin: Thanks again for having me. This food sure looks great! I’m excited to be having my first real American burger.
J: Enjoy!
K: Why don’t you tell us a bit more about yourself, Kevin?
Kevin: Well, I’m 16. I’m from Tainan, a city in Southern Taiwan, and I love soccer, hiking, and geography.
J: My son, Dan, plays soccer as well. Maybe he can get you on the team.
Kevin: That’s great! I’m sure we’ll be friends in no time!
(點此可看影片練聽力)Words & Phrases 單字片語

1. host family(n.)寄宿家庭
host(n.)(男)主人 &( vt.)主辦(活動)
A good host always makes his guests feel at home.
好的主人總是使客人有賓至如歸之感。2. arrive(vi.)到達
If you arrive at the hotel earlier, please wait for me in the coffee shop.
如果你先抵達飯店,請在咖啡廳裡等我。3. flight(n.)搭機旅行;班機
The flight to Australia will take off in five minutes.

4. backyard(n.)後院
Father grows many roses in the backyard.

Tips in Use 重點解析

本文中的”It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 表「很高興認識你。/很榮幸見到你。」it is a pleasure to + V 表「⋯⋯是一大樂事」。
It was a pleasure to have dinner with you.
It would be a great pleasure to deliver a speech at your university.

Dialogue B
Language School Orientation

S: Sabina K: Kevin
Sabina, a student who has been at the school for six months already, is showing Kevin around The American Language and Culture Center (ALCC).

S: Welcome to the ALCC campus, Kevin. I’m Sabina, from Mexico City. Here at ALCC, you have three hours of English class per day, plus up to three elective classes per week.
K: Cool! What kind of electives are there?
S: We have dance, cooking, creative writing, and outdoor adventures. The dance classes are just up here on the left. Cooking courses are held in the cafeteria before meals, so you can eat what you make for dinner.
K: What do you take?
S: I take cooking and outdoor adventures, but I might switch into dance for the next semester.
K: Nice! I was in the street dance club back home.
S: Really? Maybe you can show me a few moves. Anyway, up on the second floor are all the English classrooms. What level were you placed in?
K: I don’t know yet. After we finish this tour, I have to go take the placement test.
S: Your English already sounds pretty good, so I’m sure you’ll get into a high level. Maybe you’ll be in my class.
K: I hope so.

Words & Phrases 單字片語

Let’s hold a meeting to discuss the problem.

2. cafeteria(n.)(工廠/學校等的)自助餐廳,食堂
The cafeteria serves sandwiches at lunchtime.

3. place(vt.)評定,劃分;得名;放置
The horse placed first in the race.

4. tour(n.)參觀,遊覽;巡迴表演
take a tour of… 到處參觀/四處逛逛⋯⋯
Tim took a tour of the office on his first day at work.

Extra Words 補充字詞

elective(a.)選修的 &(n.)選修科目
placement test(n.)分班考試

You Can Do This 英文試金石


1. 這家自助餐廳全年無休。
The ______ is in business all year round.

2. 導遊帶我們遊覽巴黎。
The guide took us on a ______ of Paris.

3. 強尼以一分鐘之差錯過了他的班機。
Johnny missed his ______ by only a minute.

答案:1. cafeteria; 2. tour; 3. Flight

Dialogue C
Introducing Yourself to Classmates

S: Sabina K: Kevin F: Filip
Sabina, Kevin, and Filip are chatting before class.

K: Hi, I’m Kevin, from Taiwan. What’s your name?
F: My name is Filip. I’m from Croatia. I started here at ALCC around the same time as Sabina.
K: Nice to meet you. What do you guys do in your free time? I’m new here, so I’m looking for things to do.
S: Filip and I like to go hiking on the weekends. You should join us this weekend!
K: Awesome! That’s one of my favorite hobbies, so count me in. How about food? Do you guys usually eat in the cafeteria or go out at lunch?
F: The cafeteria is all right, but my favorite place so far is the taco truck a block from campus. Have you ever had Mexican food?
K: No, what’s it like?
S: It’s the best! Let’s go at lunch today.
K: Sounds great!
F: I’m always down for tacos, but I can only handle the mild ones. I don’t think I could eat food from Thailand, Kevin. It’s super spicy, right?
K: I’m from Taiwan, not Thailand! Taiwanese food is really sweet. You’d love it.

Words & Phrases 單字片語

join(with) sb in V-ing 加入某人從事…..
Would you like to join us in going to the movies tonight?

2. place(n.)地方,地點
If the storm doesn’t stop, we will have to seek out a place to stay for the night.

3. block(n.)街區
Go straight for three blocks, and you’ll see the church on your right side.

4. handle(vt.)應付,處理
The new teacher didn’t know how to handle those noisy students.

5. spicy(a.)辛辣的
Ned likes spicy food, so he’s a big fan of spicy hot pot.

Tips in Use 重點解析

cook VS. cooker傻傻分不清楚?!
rice cooker(n.)電鍋

很多字尾「-er」的字通常代表「…..人」或「…..師」,但是cooker這個字指的是炊具或鍋子之類的東西。如electric cooker是電鍋,pressure cooker是壓力鍋。厨師要用cook或chef,chef通常指的是餐館或飯店的主厨。

My grandmother is known as the best cook in this neighborhood.
Almost every Taiwanese family has a rice cooker.

Dialogue D
A Trip to the Supermarket

S: Sabina K: Kevin F: Filip
Kevin is out shopping at Calmart with his new friends from school, Sabina and Filip.

S: So what stuff do you guys still need to get?
F: I need to get some laundry soap.
S: OK, anything for you, Kevin?
K: Just some toiletries that I didn’t have room for in my suitcase and some food.
F: Why do you need food? Is your host family bad at cooking?
K: No, they are great cooks. I just want to cook them a special Taiwanese dish.
S: OK, we’ll start from aisle two for the laundry soap and work our way over to food.
F: Wow, Sabina, how do you know this place so well?
S: I’ve been here a bunch of times. Plus, back home I do a lot of cooking and housework.
(In the soap aisle.)
F: So many choices, how do I pick?
S: I usually go with Tide, but they’re all similar.
K: We have Tide back in Taiwan, too! Now, where is the rice, Sabina?
S: It’s in the dry food section. What are you going to make?
K: I brought my Tatung rice cooker with me. I want to make an easy pork rice dish for my host family.

Words & Phrases 單字片語

Frank put all his stuff into a bag.

2. dish(n.)菜餚;碗盤
Bob’s favorite dish is his mother’s spring rolls.

3. similar(a.)相似的
The twins were often dressed in a similar way.

Extra Words 補充字詞


You Can Do This 英文試金石


1. We have___taste in clothes.

2.The clerks have been trained to___difficult customers.

3. Richard is crazy about___Indian curry.

答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.C

(本文經授權轉載自《常春藤生活英語雜誌》2018 年3 月號)

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