連假到日本「賞櫻」 這些英文你要學會!


Image by raul1534 from Pixabay

A: Hi, I’m planning to go to Tokyo in April to view the cherry blossom. Can you recommend some of your package tours?
B: Sure. We have the two-week Luxury Tour that offers five-star accommodation and the best Japanese cuisine. It’s only NT$78,999.
A: Hmm. I can’t afford to stay there that long. Do you have shorter trips that last about a week?
B: Of course. You can consider our seven-day Premium Tour that costs you only NT$35,990.

recommend (v.) 推薦
package tour套裝旅遊
luxury (a.) 豪華的
accommodation (n.) 住宿
cuisine (n.) 料理
can’t afford to 不能負擔
premium (a.) 高級的


limited/ tight budget有限/緊縮的預算
excursion (n.) 出遊
public transportation大眾運輸

A: I am driving my whole family to Tamsui this weekend because I’ve heard that the cherry blossom in Tamsui’s Wuji Tianyuan Temple is majestic.
B: You’d better forget about driving and take public transportation instead. The area is so crowded at this time of the year you’ll not only get stuck in the traffic, but you will have a hard time finding a place to park.

get stuck in traffic塞在車陣中
have a hard time + v-ing很難(做某件事)


基本上,「櫻花祭」是日本的說法,而「祭」這個字顯然是從中國東渡日本,又回銷到台灣的字眼。在中文裡面,「祭」就是「祭典、儀式」(ritual/ rite),是比較偏宗教的字眼,例如俄國作曲家史特拉汶斯基(Igor Stravinsky)開現代芭蕾先河的經典名作The Rite of Spring,中文就翻作「春之祭」。



simultaneously (adv.) 同步地;同時地
traffic jam塞車
vie for爭搶
parking space停車位
litter (v.) 亂丟垃圾

A: Ouch! Someone just hit me with a selfie stick. I’m gonna get this guy and give him a piece of my mind.
B: Forget it. It is so crowded here we can barely move. Just calm down and appreciate the cherry blossom.

barely (adv.) 幾乎不能
calm down冷靜下來
appreciate (v.) 欣賞


延伸閱讀》學會5句換匯英文 讓你出國血拼不被揩油